Full Sail University

Show Production Grad Tours with The Weeknd

在表演者的After Hours till Dawn巡回演出中担任自动化机组负责人, Rob Prager sets up and controls stage lifts, robots, and set pieces.

Rob Prager sits in a leather chair behind a large desk. 他面带微笑,戴着黑色棒球帽,穿着黑色连帽衫.

Show Production 毕业生罗布·普拉格(Rob Prager)在音乐巡演中解决了许多幕后问题, 但最近威肯的全球After Hours till Dawn巡演的挑战却让他印象深刻.

“我们在爱沙尼亚的塔林演出,我们实际上是在山坡上演出的,”罗伯说. “为了装货,你需要平整的地面来平整舞台,卸下卡车. 在山坡上这么做简直是疯了. It took a lot of thinking like, ‘If the stage needs to be level on the hill, how high do the stage legs need to be in certain spots? How low? How can we make this sturdier?“我们发现了这一点,这是我们做过的最漂亮的秀之一. 我想当时有65000人在一个草山边,一起听the Weeknd的歌.”

“Talk to everybody. You never know who's who. Some of the people I work for, they're wearing sweatpants, they're wearing tank tops, 但他们是一些著名艺术家的制片经理. Be nice to everybody. Take the time and get to know people.”

在The Weeknd的巡演中,Rob已经处理了这些问题. He’s currently the show’s Automation Crew Chief, 他和自己的团队以及节目的其他工作人员一起为全球成千上万的粉丝举办音乐会. 罗布对旅游的热情和他的全帆教育帮助他找到了通往massive的道路, complex live shows in the music industry.

Rob wanted to work in music since he was 13; he originally dreamed of becoming a front of house engineer for metal bands. However, 他在Full Sail的时间给了他更多的巡演机会, like becoming a lighting tech or electrician. 毕业后,他为奥兰多环球影城活动和冰上迪士尼做照明安装. 当他作为首席电工随蓝人乐队巡回演出时,一位同事建议他转向自动化.

自动化工作人员处理现场表演的电气索具. They set up and control a show’s mechanical pieces, like moving walls, stage lifts, 或者用于特技表演的设备(比如帮助表演者飞过观众). Rob knew that automation was the next step in his career, and he made a potentially risky move to make the change.

“I was building a show [for R.U.N. by Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas] doing lighting. 我发现他们的节目里有一个自动化的职位空缺 . 我去那里面试,他们说,‘哦,我们不能雇用你. 你已经在公司的照明部门工作了,所以我们不能给你提供职位。”他回忆道.

“So I walked across the bridge and I quit my job, and walked back and I was like, ‘Hey, I don't work here anymore.’ And they're like, ‘We never offered you a job.’ And I was like, ‘Well, I just quit mine.’ And they're like, ‘Well, clearly this kid's really interested in working here, he has a drive for it.’这就是我进入自动化世界的方式,”他笑着说.

罗布最终回到了巡演中,并成为了他现在的角色,即The Weeknd巡演的自动化机组负责人. 为了这个复杂的表演,罗布有很多工作要做:他的团队设置并控制一个30英尺高的机器人女人,它在一个巨大的圆圈里旋转, 一个35英尺宽的月亮,悬挂在绞车上,在音乐会期间垂直移动, 还有舞台升降机,让威肯在表演时站在上面. 在展览的45辆半挂车中安装设备需要四天的时间, 罗布的团队每天工作17个小时来放置和测试产品的索具和电缆.

The Weeknd’s concerts offer plenty of excitement for Rob, 但他最喜欢的部分是在每次演出结束后与他的团队成员联系.

“和我的团队一起参加演出是最伟大的事情,因为这是一件非常艰苦的工作,需要很长时间. 然后你会从表演中获得巨大的快感,肾上腺素激增. 然后你把它拉出来,东西被扔进卡车里,人们大喊大叫,齿轮到处乱飞. And it's just such a fun experience. 你试图打破你的记录,看看你的球队能跑多快. It's a true bonding experience,” he says.


“Talk to everybody. You never know who's who. Some of the people I work for, they're wearing sweatpants, they're wearing tank tops, 但他们是一些著名艺术家的制片经理. Be nice to everybody. Take the time and get to know people.”